Assault in Kahndam Kingdom

D’jinns , the enemies of Kanhdam Kingdom

D’jinns , the enemies of Kanhdam Kingdom

A rider of the bearphants

A rider of the bearphants

An explorer rider of great Red birds, equipped with protections for cold winds

An explorer rider of great Red birds, equipped with protections for cold winds

The big red, the perfect companion for exploring

The big red, the perfect companion for exploring

The useful and strong Bearphant

The useful and strong Bearphant

Different studies of the Kanhdam Kindogm environment

Different studies of the Kanhdam Kindogm environment

Personal project to develop an add a big scene to my portfolio, starting with a small briefing script, I developed each piece that will be present on the final scene artwork, red birds was in that briefing but to be more clear and not overpopulate I take it apart.


The environment is similar to the Icelandic landscape, rough and rugged, with stones and bluish-black rock formations piercing seas of grass.

A fortress in a medieval Asian kingdom, the structures are made of stone Tibetan-style stucco with shapes reminiscent of Mongol’s mobile homes. They are a rudimentary people, who seem to be dedicated mainly to war.

They use different creatures, some for combat, others for defense and movements of large objects. They are between a mix of elephants and bears have no hair and have a bluish-green color from their diet.

Messengers and scouts use a species of wading birds huge to move around, they are a very striking red color.

The clothing is a mix between Viking and Tibetan. And the features are Orientals, with pale skin, blond hair and pale yellowish eyes. They use distinctive markings on the forehead to differentiate their military and social rank.

The colors of their clothes are greenish with a touch of red but no order, different color patches may mix, don't know differentiate them because the people suffer from color blindness.

The have an enemy, D’jinns, magical creatures, they usually wear black and yellow clothes and cover his blue face with metal masks. The clothes will be a mix between Persian and Japanese ninja style.

May 2, 2021